Tuesday, May 5, 2015

Survivalcraft Options Blogpost #2

Choose two of the following options to write about on your Survivalcraft blog.

1. Think about your society in two ways: (a) Your "small" society, which includes you and your friends and your family and (b) your "large" society, which includes your neighborhood, town, city, state, country, and world. In what ways do you contribute to those two societies? Be specific. What could you do and what will you do? What have you seen others in your life do? Include discussion and explanation of all of these things. Include some relevant images. Proofread and be thoughtful.

2. Think about the various kinds of societies/civilizations in the world. Try to determine what kind of society your Minecraft world is. Do some research to determine what you could name it. Give it a name: oligarchy, democracy, etc. Properly cite any research you do. Explain why you think what you think. Use specifics and be clear. Include some relevant images. Proofread and be thoughtful.

3. A proverb is a well-known saying that expresses a belief or truth. Two very widely-known proverbs are "Don't judge a book by its cover" and "The early bird catches the worm." As you know, these proverbs are metaphorical; they are not primarily about books, birds, or worms. Often, a society has proverbs that come out of prominent facets of that society: a farming community might have farming proverbs, for example. Don't count your chickens before they hatch. Don't put all your eggs in one basket. Most cultures have a lot of farming proverbs; some have a lot of cooking proverbs, or fishing proverbs, or hunting proverbs. Invent three Minecraft proverbs based on your experience and your Minecraft society. Explain the meaning behind your three proverbs. Proofread and be thoughtful.

4. Imagine someone is arguing against using Minecraft in school. What 3-4 arguments could you use against his or her arguments? Proofread and be thoughtful

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